送给入门主播的一份 OBS Studio 直播指南


记录博主个人使用 OBS Studio 直播的心得体会。



OBS 是一个用于录制和进行网络直播的自由开源软件包。OBS 使用 C 和 C++ 语言编写,提供实时源和设备捕获、场景组成、编码、录制和广播。数据传输主要通过实时消息协议 RTMP 完成,可以发送到任何支持RTMP的软件,包括 YouTube、Twitch、Instagram 和 Facebook 等流媒体网站。

OBS 相比各大平台自己的直播软件功能更强大,也能在几乎所有平台上直播,很多全职主播的直播画面都是通过 OBS 精心调配的

对于我们使用者来讲,需要着重关注它的 开源 特性:

  • 开源意味着我们可以免费获取该软件,无需额外投入付出(那些让你付费获取的都是骗子和坏蛋!)
  • 这种体量的开源软件通常会有比较稳定的生态,遇到问题可以上论坛提问,也可以根据自己的需求搭配各种第三方插件


OBS 下载

万事开头难,OBS 有四种不同的下载途径。



进入 OBS官网,选择自己的平台下载即可,这里我也是直接给出下载链接:

Windows MacOS (Intel) macOS (Apple Silicon) Linux
steam 下载

前段时间 OBS 登陆了 steam,没听错,你甚至可以在 steam 上下载 OBS Studio:

在 steam 上直接搜索 OBS Studio ,进入页面点击获取即可:

github 下载

作为开源软件怎么能没有大名鼎鼎的 github 呢?github 搜索 OBS Studio 进入 Release 界面,选择自己需要的平台和版本下载最原汁原味的软件安装包:



既然 OBS 是开源软件,但没有魔法下载又很慢,那为什么不问问神奇的 清华大学开源软件镜像站 呢?

搜索 OBS 选择并下载:





  • 插件地址:
  • 官方文档:

输入叠加/Input Overlay





  • clock01 : [https://stock.mooncape.net/mc-clock/clock01](https://stock.mooncape.net/mc-clock/clock01)
  • clock02 : [https://stock.mooncape.net/mc-clock/clock02](https://stock.mooncape.net/mc-clock/clock02)
  • clock03 : [https://stock.mooncape.net/mc-clock/clock03](https://stock.mooncape.net/mc-clock/clock03)
  • clock04 : [https://stock.mooncape.net/mc-clock/clock04](https://stock.mooncape.net/mc-clock/clock04)
  • clock05 : [https://stock.mooncape.net/mc-clock/clock05](https://stock.mooncape.net/mc-clock/clock05)


Creating a League of Legends box

  1. Go to /lol
  2. Add your League Of Legends account. You must change your profile icon with the one provided by LoboBot.
  1. 进入游戏 /lol
  2. 把游戏头像换成这个狼人模样以完成 LoboBot 对你账户拥有权的验证

  1. If all goes well, you will see a message saying that your account has been added successfully.
  2. Click on the account and you will see a both queues (Ranked Solo and Ranked Flex). Select the queue you want to show.
  1. 如果一切顺利,你会看到一条账户添加成功的信息
  2. 点击账户你会看到 单/双排位灵活组排 的战绩,选择你想展示的战绩

  1. Click on the desired box, customize it and finally click on the Create Box button.
  2. Use the link to add the box to your stream.
  1. 选择你喜欢的 box,客制化后点击 Create Box
  2. 通过链接推流到直播间
Adding the box in OBS
  1. Once you have created the box, you will see a link to add the box to your stream.
  2. Copy the link and create a Browser Source in OBS sources.
  3. Paste the link in the URL field. Keep default settings and click on OK.

  1. 当你创建 box 之后,你会得到一个用于推流到直播间的链接
  2. 在 OBS 中创建一个浏览器源
  3. 把刚才 LoboBot 的链接拷贝过来(长度、宽度和位置自己调整)点击确定


Creating a Spotify box
  1. Go to lobobot.com/spotify
  2. Click on the Connect Spotify button.
  3. You will be redirected to Spotify to login and authorize LoboBot to access your account.
  4. Once you have authorized LoboBot, you will be redirected back.
  5. In options, you can customize the box and finally click on the Save Options button.
  6. Use the link to add the box to your stream.
Adding the box in Streamlabs Desktop
  1. Once you have created the box, you will see a link to add the box to your stream.
  2. Copy the link and create a Browser Source in Streamlabs Desktop sources.
  3. Paste the link in the URL field. Keep default settings and click on OK.

自定义 Spotify 音乐播放器

之前在看瓦的pov时候很多主播都用了这个,苦苦查了很久终于在油管上找到了定制教程 The BEST Now Playing Music Widget For Your Stream! (Spotify & YouTube Music)

注册 6klabs

选择 Twitch 或者 Google 账号进行登录:

选择 Accounts & Apps 链接 Soptify。

链接 Soptify
Create Your App

This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to create your Spotify app and link it to 6K Labs.

  1. Visit the Spotify Developer Dashboard
  2. Click on Log in in the top right

这是手把手教你如何创建自己的 Spotify 应用并链接到 6K Labs。

  1. 访问 Spotify 的 Developer Dashboard

  2. 点击右上角的 Log in 登录自己的 Spotify 账号

  1. Once logged in, click on your name. A dropdown appears. Click on Dashboard.
  1. 登陆后点击自己的用户名,选择 Dashboard

  1. Create a new app by clicking on Create app
  1. 点击 Create app 创建一个新的应用程序

  1. Enter this information, then click on Save
  • App Name: Amuse Widget
  • App description: This is an app for the 6K Labs Amuse widget.
  • Redirect URI: https://api.6klabs.com/api/spotify/callback
  1. 输入以下信息并点击保存:
    • App Name:随便填一点
    • App description:随便填一点
    • Redirect URI: https://api.6klabs.com/api/spotify/callback

前面两个可以随便填,第三个 URL 必须填上面 6klabs 的这个链接

  1. Click on Settings
  1. 点击设置 Settings

  1. Click on View client secret
  1. 点击 View client secret

  1. Copy and paste the Client ID and Client Secret into the Amuse Spotify App form
  1. 复制粘贴 Client IDClient Secret 到之前的 6KLabs 链接界面

  1. Click on “Connect” and approve the app.

  2. Enjoy! ✨

  1. 点击 Connect 链接应用程序
  2. ok了 ✨
  1. INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid client

    In the event that you click on Connect and receive the INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid client error, this could indicate an incorrect Client ID. Please ensure to verify the correctness of your Client ID.

  2. INVALID_SECRET: Invalid client_secret

    In the event that you click on Connect and receive the INVALID_SECRET: Invalid client_secret error, it suggests that your Client Secret may be incorrect. Please ensure to verify the correctness of your Client Secret.

  3. INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid redirect URI

    In the event that you click on Connect and receive the INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid redirect URI error, it implies that the Redirect URL you entered in step 3 may be incorrect. Please ensure to verify the correctness of your Redirect URL.

自定义 Widgets




心率显示对于佳明设备来说比较简单,在 ConnectIQ 中下载应用程序 HypeRate,之后打开手表就会广播一个你设备心率的网站地址:app.hyperate.io/xxxxx。

把这个网址放到 OBS 的浏览器源自己调整即可。





部分笔记本使用了混合输出技术,需要把 OBS 设置为核显输出才能正确捕获内容。